Saturday, 2 August 2008

Lunch at Dharms

On my recent trip to KL, I got Dharm to cook for us. Since starting work, I had heard about his prowess in the kitchen - especially cooking curries and baking cakes. I have been looking for an invitation all this time but the opportunity hadn't arose. This time I felt it was within my grasp and I grabbed it with 2 hands.

I also got two friends invited as well - so there was Shalini, Raj and his Shalini, Dharm, Angelina and myself. It was lunch and the kids were invited - Tusharr, Michael and Sara.

First we feasted on some comfort food - chicken curry, the most delicious pork cutlets, a cucumber and pomegranate raita, kangkung belacan and sambar. There was just a little left overs for the family - perhaps tea time snack? Most delicious. And followed by this cake. A chocolate mouse layer cake. This was what was left after 6 adults and 3 children tucked in.